This impact story was published by Jagriti Bal Vikas Samiti. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Tarannum dreams of becoming an engineer

Dear Navneet, George, Adam, Anil, and Melissa,

Fourteen year old Tarannum is currently studying in her ninth grade in Purna Devi Inter College,Gumti, Kanpur. Her father, Sultan Khan is a rickshaw-puller and her mother, Kamar Jahan works as a cook. She has four younger sisters. While three of her sisters Anjum, Nahid and Muskan are studying at Apna Skool Dhamikheda, one of her sister works as a cook, on the same lines as her mother.

Tarannum draws her inspiration from her parents who are educated and puts their level best effort to make their kids educated. Tarannum is very good in studies and is known for being the most sincere student of her class. Besides studying, she likes reading newspapers, playing with skipping ropes, typing, cooking, sewing, embroidery and singing. She washes the clothes for the entire family. She wants to pursue engineering.

Thank you, Navneetfor your donation of a set of two uniforms and study materials for an entire year.

Thank you,Melissa, Anil and Adam, for together donation a full year of nutritious lunches and snacks to Tarannum.

Thank you, George, for donation a full year of medical care.

Thank you for your support. Knowing you are on her side would motivate Tarannum to attend school regularly and perform well.

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